301 Military Hospital

301 Military Hospital
Location 4th Beijing Ring Road, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Beds 4000
Founded October 1953

The 301 Military Hospital(三〇一医院) or "PLA General Hospital" (解放军总医院), located in Beijing, China, is the largest general hospital under the auspices of the People's Liberation Army. Its mission includes assuring the health of PLA and the Country's leaders.

The hospital was founded in 1953, and is situated on the western part of the 4th Beijing Ring Road.[1]

The China PLA General Hospital was formerly the second clinical institute affiliated to Peking Union Medical College, which was changed in October, 1953 into “Hospital directly affiliated to the military commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July, 1954, it was renamed as the 301 Hospital of the PLA. In June, 1957, the Department of Defense mandated to cancel the appellation of “301 Hospital”, while appointing the name of “the China PLA General Hospital”. PLA Postgraduate Medical School was constructed with support from the China PLA General Hospital. It was founded in November, 1958 and closed down in 1962, and in June, 1979, it was restored with approval from the military commission . In September, 1986, it was formally listed among the universities and colleges of the whole army, with an authorization number. In 2004, the 304 Hospital and 309 Hospital of the PLA were renamed respectively as the 304 and 309 Clinical Branches, and publicly referred to as the First and the Second Hospitals affiliated to the China PLA General Hospital, meanwhile listed into the compilation sequence of the China PLA General Hospital.[2]


  1. ^ "301 Military Hospital". http://www.sp120.com/hospital/395/index.html. Retrieved 2007-10-29. "中国人民解放军总医院(301医院)是全军规模最大的综合性医院,集医疗、保健、教学、科研于一体,负责中央军委和总部的医疗工作,承担全军各大军区、军 兵种疑难病的诊治,担负国家及军委领导人的医疗保健任务,同时也收治来自全国各地的地方病人。 医院创建于1953年,经过多年的建设,已发展成为技术、人才密集,临床学科齐全,仪器、设备先进,整体医疗水平较高,在国内外享有较高声誉的现代化医 院。" 
  2. ^ Beijing Municipal Health Bureau